4 Easy steps to test the Empathic Abilities.. Clairsentience: Clear senses or sensing. Umbrella term for knowing, feeling, and touching. Psychic knowing: I don't know how I know…but I just know this isn't right. Not used as much as the feeling side of being a clairsentient. However, some become very proficient at knowing which answer to use or what path to choose. They just know that it is the correct choice. Psychic Feeling The Empath: I feel like this is the proper way to do this. It just feels right. Information is received through the solar plexus area and analysed for feeling. This is how most Empaths interact and evaluate their environment. So in marketing, it's normally done to influence the emotions or feelings of a person to desway how they think. This is also done through the media. Psychometric: if I could just feel of this object I would be able to know if it's worth buying. You receive information through touching things. These can also be memories ...