4 Easy steps to test the Empathic Abilities..
Clairsentience: Clear senses or sensing. Umbrella term for knowing, feeling, and touching.
Psychic knowing: I don't know how I know…but I just know this isn't right. Not used as much as the feeling side of being a clairsentient. However, some become very proficient at knowing which answer to use or what path to choose. They just know that it is the correct choice.
Psychic Feeling The Empath: I feel like this is the proper way to do this. It just feels right. Information is received through the solar plexus area and analysed for feeling. This is how most Empaths interact and evaluate their environment. So in marketing, it's normally done to influence the emotions or feelings of a person to desway how they think. This is also done through the media.
Psychometric: if I could just feel of this object I would be able to know if it's worth buying. You receive information through touching things. These can also be memories or scenes from the past timeline of a location or the past energy imprints from an item that has an attachment or imprint.
#1. Get 3 paper bags and have an assistant put broccoli in one salt in another and candy in the 3rd bag. Write on the bottom what is in the bag and seal them.
(You have to be in another room and get help from someone to put the items in the bag where you can't see them)
Using your left hand (because this engages the right brain)
Hold your left hand over each bag and feel or know what is inside. Have your assistant move the bags around after the first attempt. Repeat 5 times and take the average of your correct sensing. Anything over 70% is really good.
#2. Get someone to help you with this exercise. Each person sits with a door in between the two of you. The sender is your helper you are to be the receiver. You will have a tablet to write on. The sender concentrates on a single emotion. Then the sender will try to emanate that emotion. Fear, Anxiety, Rage, Happiness etc. As the receiver you will focus on what feelings are coming from the area of the sender. It sometimes helps to centre the consciousness in the midsection of the abdomen. This is the area where the Empath’s senses on feeling are located. Jot down on your tablet some of the things you are feeling like laughter, anguish, and anger. Even sketch a picture of the feeling if that helps like someone yelling, flowers for happiness etc. Then after 10 minutes evaluate the results.
3. When in a parking lot pull your car to the side. Close your eyes and try to “Feel” where the empty parking spots are. Then open your eyes and drive to those spots to see if you are correct. You can also just let your gut feeling guide you to the spots without stopping. But I find it's best to first stop and sense and then as you get better you won't have to pull off. Even if someone pulls in the parking space before you it is still counted as correct. Keep a record of your correct reception and see if practice is increasing your accuracy.
4. Get a paper bag and some multicoloured lifesavers. Scatter the lifesavers throughout the bag. Then without looking close your eyes and “Feel” the color and taste of the “Green” Lifesavers. Try to pick out only the green ones by using your senses of knowing and feeling with your hand. It is best to use the left hand as it is controlled by the right brain. See how many you can get right and remember 70% is pretty good!
How to delineate between the True Gut Feeling and The Emotional Feeling.
Emotional Feeling: close to you may be strong but feels comfortable and close to you. It doesn't not produce a different resonance so it doesn't feel odd. You automatically feel okay in trusting this feeling.
These are only emotions that could lead you into a problem because they have no basis.
Gut feeling: comes from or through the subconscious and will feel strange and not uncomfortable. It denotes a different texture and will often have you questioning the origin of the feeling. Like “Where did that feeling come from” or “Why am I feeling this way”
Gut feelings are based on subconscious information in the environment and should not be dismissed.
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