Hauntings Graveyards and Entity Attachments.
Graveyards??? Do the Dead really exist in these places? The answer is YES! Many people remain attached to their body post mortem and will linger on near or as close to their body as they can.
We are all attached to some aspect of our humanity that has been left behind. When you visit a Graveyard you can almost feel the extra energy surrounding you just beyond that tombstone or grave.
It is an excellent place to start out the beginner ghost hunter or someone new at utilizing their skills as a Medium. When undertaking these activities it is always best to go with a group or person that is experienced in preventing an attachment.
Attachments we have recognized happen in Graveyards...... But what about Funeral Homes and Hospitals!! Yes an attachment can happen there just as easily too.
To prevent an attachment special prayers and procedures are enlisted prior to the activity to prevent this from occurring. Some groups using a prayer and Smudging to prevent attachments, if you are going to a really active location it can be useful to use a consecrated Salt Scrub afterwards to remove any entity that may have followed you home.
I have been to many places and yes I have had a bunch of stuff follow me home despite all the prayers and precautions. How do you know when something has followed you home?
Doors will open and close by themselves, Lights will turn on and off, the environment of the home will "feel" different or more consolidated.
Its times like these when we bring out all the House Cleansing equipment and open the door!!! I usually have to do a Cleansing on my house once every 6 months in my business. I have been helping families in Kentucky Since 1996 with Hauntings and paranormal problems.
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