How to Use Lilies for Healing

The Lilly Throughout Time and HistoryView this email in your browser

The Lilly Energetic Uses of this Flower

Lilies have been associated with many ancient myths, and pictures of lilies were discovered in a villa in Crete, dating back to the Minoan Period, about 1580 B.C.Lilies are mentioned in ancient scripts symbolizing chastity and virtue.The  lily is a fertility symbol.In Greek marriage ceremonies the bride wears a crown of lilies and wheat implying purity and abundance.The Lily is the flower most commonly associated with funeral services as they symbolize the innocence that has been restored to the soul of the departed. White stargazer lilies symbolizes sympathy and any type of white lily expresses majesty and purity.Metaphysical uses for the LillyThese beautiful flowers are best used as A 'Soul Balm'. There function is to provide a soothing essence to the Soul undergoing stress and turmoil. The vibration of the plant is delicate yet sturdy and long lasting. This provides a calming and healing resonance during trans formative times in the life.You can get the fresh flowers at any florist and they will last up to 2 weeks if cared for correctly. Ask your florist upon purchase how to care for them.If you can't obtain a fresh Lily, you can purchase a wall print that will inspire your resolve during difficult times. Flowers are not to just look pretty! they are functional as healing agents!! so lets put them to use! buy yourself some Roses or a Lily today!If you would like to know more about Spiritualism or Mediumship and Psychic abilities Click the links Here From KentuckyRegards KathrynCopyright © 2016 Kathryn Kauffman. Psychic Medium, All rights reserved. 
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