A Sneak peek at House Cleansings
Get Real Practical Ideas on how to do Your Home Cleansing.
Empower Yourself to Control Your Own Living Space!
Banishment what does this term mean and how can we apply this to our everyday lives? Every single day we encounter negativity, at home in the workplace even in our religious institutions. It is something we can’t avoid and we are unable to sequester ourselves from. Even people we consider “good people” can do things that affect us in a negative way. That is why its always important to analyze the things that we do on a daily basis to make sure we are not affecting someone else in a negative way. Most often this occurs at the work place, stress and pressure from supervisors and administrators can cause a ripple effect and pass down the negativity to the workforce. There is stress at home also trying to match everyone’s schedules together, monetary concerns and stress can manifest in negative forms. The easiest and most inexpensive substance to use in a home cleansing is Salt.
SALT: One of the most ancient items used for cleansing and consecrating: Salt was included among funerary offerings found in ancient Egyptian tombs from the third millennium BC, The word salary originates from Latin: salarium which referred to the money paid to the Roman Army's soldiers for the purchase of salt.
Salt is also a conductor of energy and your body’s electrical system can’t function without sodium chloride( salt). Any type of salt can be used and is readily available to provide psychic protection. To protect an area, room or around the perimeter of your home lay down a circle of salt going in a clockwise direction and state your intent aloud. Visualize the energy being imbued in the circle to provide protection. Salt can be used as a wash for sacred items or used as a wash to remove negative energies that have built up in an area of the home or the body.
Other things used in a home cleansing are Amulets, Wards, Sprays with Essential Oils, Smudging, Incense, Sound, Prayers, Bells and Colors.Gemstones, Crystals, Vibration, Olive Oil and Gestures.
Here is a Sneek Peek at a New Home Cleansing Procedure Free for you to use. If you want to know more indepth techniques you can purchase my Kindle book about the subject . Link is Here https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B00MMNGW82&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_5XW5wb09ENM7V
New Home Cleansing and Blessing
First: Obtain a natural handmade Lavender wand for smudging, you can also use a Peppermint wand. If you can not find these you can use a regular sage smudge wand or a Spray of consecrated water and essential oils of Lavender and Lemon or Peppermint. Leave the main entryway to the home open or cracked to release the negative energy as it is moved from the home. Be sure to secure your pets and any elderly person's in the home.
Second: Start in a clockwise motion and while burning the Lavender smudge wand , smoke or spray all the corners of the home starting from the furthest point away from the main entrance of the home. Say a prayer of instilling positive forces and protecting the inhabitants as you perform the smudging.
Upon arriving at the main entrance. Smudge the doorway in a clockwise fashion and shut the door.
Third: Take an essential oil such as Rosemary or Lemon diluted in Olive oil. Example would be 1cc of essential oil to 10 ml of Olive oil. In clockwise motion anoint all the doors and windows while incanting a prayer of positive force for the protection of all that dwell within.
You can also anoint areas that feel heavy and need the energy of the area changed.
It is always important to consecrate the items you are using and instill the intent needed by the
natural forces you are using.
Happy Cleansing this Spring!!!
Kisses from Kentucky
Regards Kathryn
Copyright © 2016 Kathryn Kauffman. Psychic Medium, All rights reserved.
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