Let's Make a Difference in the World

Do We Matter in this Big world?

Does what we think really make a difference? 
Yes, what we think really does matter. Let me introduce you to Gamma wave meditation. 
Gamma Wave is a pattern of brain oscillations with a frequency between 25 and 100 Hz, the average falling in the 60Hz range. The theory is that gamma waves induce a Unity of Consciousness.
Tibetian Monks meditate at this frequency and produce something closely related to a singularity or conscious event.
Many meditators report a feeling of unity and bliss during this type of meditation.
Scientists have put together a computer system that monitors the earth's EEG. It is measured in
electronic responses. This was noted to spike abnormally on 9-11 prior to the terrorist attacks. 
So let's postulate....can we possibly all do gamma wave meditations once a day to unify for world peace? I say it's worth a try. 
Here is a link to use and try this type of meditation. You have to use ear buds to entrain the brain and you need to listen for at least 10 minutes. You can't listen to these while driving or if you have a history of seizures.
Here's to world peace and your voice and thoughts do count!
Kisses from Kentucky
Love Kathryn
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