Daily Astrological Forecasts On Facebook

Something New I started doing this year is a small quick visual of the moon influence for the day. This is posted every morning on my facebook page here www.facebook.com/kauffmankathryn
Fun Fridays is the only day off for these. With how busy Fun Friday has gotten I have to skip one day. Now...the importance of the Planetary influence post is....it's so much easier to handle people being emotional, or in a bad mood if you know they are under moon influences. Somehow it can make the day better knowing it isn't anything regarding you. Also can help you understand why you might have woken up in a bad mood. It can give you insight on which days are best for financial decisions and purchases or planning events. I hope you enjoy these and please share them with your friends and family.
If you are wanting a personalized psychic reading I give these via phone, video calling by facebook messenger, skype or google hangouts and in person.



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