Energies of Water that Heal and Harm

Can the quality of your water really make a difference in your health?
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Enjoy episode 1 of The Healing Energies of Water on my YouTube channel. This is an excerpt from the Monday Night Live in Lexington shows every Monday night at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Facebook. In this episode, we find out what structuring water really means. How the molecular structure of the water can benefit or harm the body. What techniques we used to restructure our water are investigated in episode part 2 and part 3 of the Energies of Water that Heal. These are also on my YouTube channel under the playlist Monday Night Live in Lexington show.
This is a must-view for anyone with chronic illnesses, or persons recovering from cancer treatment and or immune system disorders. The quality and pH of your water is so important because we're over 70% water in our bodies. This makes us creatures of water instead of creatures of Earth. Enjoy the show and tune in for the live show every Monday night on my Facebook page. Regards Kathryn


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