How To Program A Gemstone

How to Program a Gemstone or Quartz Crystal for Maximum Efficacy.

To Program or Not To Program that is the question???

There are many schools of thought on this and the wonderful thing is All are Correct!! Some people will say just let the gemstone do what it needs to  naturally. Others say the gemstone needs to be programmed to know what to do. 
Well I say something different!!! I think that gemstones and crystals inherently have healing energies and qualities. So if you used them without  programming it would be a positive healing experience.
My feeling is that adding your mental  intent to the imprint of the structure in the gemstone gives it an added layer of energy and that increases the electrical charge needed to have a maximal effect.
That extra kick that could make the difference in the healing effects. For some people this could mean the difference in a healing working or not. Let's say they have a lot of blocks that prevent healing from taking place. The gemstone itself may not be enough to break through those blocks........however the natural energies of the gemstone and the added effects of programming and intent. May be able to be strong enough to burst through those blocks and effect a change.
Kind of like the old adage "Two heads are better than one"
Think of it as partnering up with the gemstone and working together for a good cause.
Now on to "How to Program a Gemstone or Crystal"
1. Pick out one gemstone to work with. If the gemstone is too large to hold simply place both right and left palm on the Stone. If it is small enough to hold then cradle the stone in between your right and left hand. This way the gemstone comes into contact with vibrations from both the left brain and the right brain. This is needed for the thought to imprint correctly and completely.
2. Visualize in picture form what you want the gemstone's energy to accomplish. So lets say I want this gemstone to effect a healing change on the swelling in my knee. I would visualize the gemstone laying on my knee and I would visualize the swelling receding from the area. Redness going away etc.
3. Say out loud what you want the gemstone's energy to accomplish. Adding the Vibration of your voice to this electromagnetic thought visualization increases the amplitude of healing vibration.

The gemstone is then Programmed or "Communication of Intent" has been transferred to the object. I think the most Programmable gemstone is quartz crystal simply because it transmittes ultra violet light. Since we are made up of ultra violet light seems like it keeps more of the information transferred to the crystal.
Remember to always ground and cleanse your gemstones after you work with them. Next week's newsletter will be a video on how to ground and cleanse your gemstones.
Kisses from Kentucky Love Kathryn


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