Secret Weaponry Against Pain
Secret Weapons for Pain Control.
Acupuncture: One of the BEST things in my secret weaponry to deal with chronic back pain and arthritis. When the body is experiencing pain the energy centers are not in balance. Acupuncture brings the body and your energy back into balance relieving pain and restoring well being. Locally I recommend Blue Lotus Acupuncture. They offer specialized Traditional Chinese medicine techniques as well including forms of TCM Massage. Salt Therapy works on the body by Stimulating the release of Serotonin. This acts as an antidepressant and allows you to "feel better" Many people with chronic pain suffer from depression just having to cope with daily discomforts. We have a local salt room here in Lexington. Made Hot Packs: I love using herbs from my garden when ever I can. You can make a simple hot pack using a long sock and some dry uncooked rice. Just pour the rice into the sock and secure the end so that the rice doesn't leak out. Place this is your microwave for 1 min. and then Apply over your neck or back. This is for chronic muscular or arthritic pain. I watch for flannel material to go on sale at the fabric store and sew together my own hot packs. I place in them dried lavender and lemon balm from the garden. When they are heating in the microwave it gently warms the herbs releasing the essential oils and providing the extra calming effects.Magnesium Oil: This is a quick go to in the evening after a full day of work. It is a topical application of oil that dries into a powder like substance. It really tingles when you first spray it on but that goes away after about 20 min. Magnesium is a muscle relaxant. This makes a wonderful quick way to either spray and go, or spray and go to bed. It works very well for muscular aches and low back pain. Here is a website you can purchase this oil from. Oil: This is the Big Gun!! I only use this when my pain is out of control or I have let it go too Long! This stuff lasts for DAYS and its sooo hot you don't know you are hurting underneath it. So be sure you test for sensitivity before you use it. But it Works!!! Once I got used to the heat of it was really nice to use. I take this twice a day and the anti inflammatory effects are simply the best for Arthritis and the joints! I noticed a huge difference in the pain in my knees within the first week. Curcumin is a key chemical in turmeric. Claims: Reduces pain, inflammation and stiffness related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA); treats bursitis. Walmart has a brand of Turmeric you can purchase for around $6.00Honey Calcite: This seems to be the best Gemstone in my secret weaponry to combat pain. When I am in pain it seems my whole nervous system is agitated. Honey Calcite provides a cooling and soothing effect to the area I place it over. I keep mine in the refrigerator for an extra cooling property. If my fingers are inflamed from arthritis I simply hold this cold stone in the palm and it cools and soothes. I wish I had a bed of this to lay down on!!!This concludes a sneak peak and what I use to Combat pain. I hope this gives you some additional things to use to improve your life as well. Kisses from Kentucky Love KathrynPsychic Readings Local and International
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