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Lamb Grape Leaves Dolmas




 Brined grape leaves in a jar

1 pound ground lamb 

3/4 cup long grain rice

4 cloves garlic chopped

1 Tlbs oregano 

1/2 tsp ground sumac

1 tsp Himalayan salt

1 tsp white pepper

4 cups chicken stock

3 Tlbs olive oil

1 can diced tomatoes

Putting it all together

Remove grape leaves from the jar and rinse. Separate the leaves for easy wrapping. Combine in a bowl the olive oil, lamb,    rice,pepper,sumac garlic, oregano,and salt.

Lay the grape leaves with the smooth side away from you and the veined side of the leaf next to you. Place a small dollop of the lamb mixture at the bottom of the leaf and roll tucking the sides inward to make a small package. 

Prepare a large stock pot with olive oil coating the bottom and a layer of grapes leaves on top of this to make a bed for your dolmas. Place the dolmas in the pot to cover the bottom of the pot.  Add your can of diced tomatoes over the top of the dolmas. Place a plate upside down over the dolmas to hold them in place and keep them from unwrapping. Pour chicken stock over the dolmas This needs to cover an inch over the top of the dolmas.Place lid on pot and heat the first 5 min on medium high. When you see a few bubbles coming up on the side of your plate Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 1 hour and 30 min. Remove plate with a fork and paper towel (it will be really hot)

Serve with a dollop of sour cream.

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